MAC 241 Fishfeed Line 2-3 t/h
MAC 241Baker Perkins MPF80:25 Mk1 twin screw extruder,rebuilt 2015 (Extruder control panel)
Ferraz twin shaft conditioner model 40-240 new 2015
ICS chiller model IC412 new 2015
Klockner vertical dryer type TK 260. 3.2 rebuilt 2015 (Dryer control panel)
Pneumatic transfer system between extruder and dryer, new 2015
Dinnissen Pegasus vacuum coating system type PG-450VC new 2017 Control panel
Gough M series swing link bucket elevator, 8500mm floor to discharge, new 2017 Top section 1750 mm Boot section 2162mm Bucket size 229mm wide
All the machines are good or very good condition.
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